Abilities, Switching, Another Item, And Stage

Did an update with a lot of features added. There's an Ability that lets you adjust how high any of your flying characters are, and another one used by wolves which lets you detect which items your opponent is holding. Full list of changes below:

Version 1.06

- Switching between available A.I. Group members has been implemented. Items can only be used by non-defeated members as a result.
- Two items can be used at once if your creature has the "Extra Appendages" Feature.
- Water-themed stage added that spawns when all Crabs are chosen.
- Statuses were given visual indicators.
- Controller buttons can be customized.
- Abilities have been added and can be accessed from the menu. Certain Features that come with a creature will grant the use of these Abilities. An example is Flying, which allows you to adjust the flying height of the player.
- Item added, Trickster's Bag, which gives a chance to put a random status effect on an opponent.
- A.I. opponents can now use items. Their item usage will be displayed in the Battle Log.
- Crabs have been made directly playable. Their attacks were also made stronger.
- Selector icon changed for more precision with selections.
- Incremental damage and restoration to health has been adjusted across many statuses and effects to make them more apparent.
- Emotions will be applied if the Difficulty is set to Hard. Characters will randomly spawn under different emotional statuses.
- "Heal" move from Mages can now heal more based on their skill level, and can cover a wider area.
- Flight and gravity glitches fixed so that anyone flying can consistently fly during each match. Also, this allows anyone who goes up high enough to avoid appearing to be attacked while high up enough (issue was with the system's info on character's actual air placement number, and where they appeared to be on-screen were delayed from one another).
- Info menu was updated.
- Stage with full moon and rocky terrain had slightly more stars added in the sky.
- Perspective in multiplayer was adjusted so that the viewpoint is closer.
- Battle Log auto-scrolling slightly slowed down to allow more time to read. A full view of the Battle Log can also be viewed in the Info menu.


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Mar 28, 2020

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